Highest quality standards
Metal working for more than 30 years
now with more than 50 employees.
In 1990 Karl Kampka founded his company Karl Kampka – Oberflächentechnik in a small garage on the premises of his employer at that time. At first consisting of himself, his family and a colleague, over the past few years the enterprise has grown into a company employing more than 40 persons now.
Initially the product range restricted itself to the production of rust removal / anti-corrosion pastes and performance of outsourced work (assembly and packing) for renowned manufacturers of high-end design light fixtures located in the region. Since 1995 Karl Kampka has devoted himself exclusively to his operation in Fuerth-Burgfarrnbach. After building the company site at Siegelsdorferstr. 27 he included black finishing for surface improvement in his range of services. After a short period the facilities were expanded to include zinc phosphating. Soon enough manganese phosphating and industrial coating were included in the range. This placed the company in a position where it could offer many customers from the special machinery and appliance industry economical one-stop solutions, that is all the surface treatments required in one project with only one transport of the goods.
Because of the company’s successful work, the production area was expanded from 700 sq.m. to 1000 sq.m. in 2001, separating the black finishing from the phosphating department which had been located in one production building until then. The phosphating department received a drum and a rack facility for special measurements. Additionally, manganese phosphating for large parts was made available, a facility already appreciated by our customers in the field of zinc phosphating.
In order to maintain the quality standard achieved and to improve on it, the operation subjected itself successfully to the DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 quality management system certification performed by the TÜV Rhineland.
In 2006 the company’s growth made the use of a neighboring building, now belonging to the company, necessary. The existing halls were entirely dedicated to added value production areas and were, together with the facilities, re-built again to suit changed requirements.
The new building at Siegelsdorfer Str. 27b also housed administration and production in the black finishing department was adjusted from a 2-shift to a 3-shift operation.
The newly gained space, a good 1,100 sq.m., however, did not suffice for long so that already in 2006 a tent erected in the courtyard provided the urgently needed space. The possibility of ‘camping outside’ gave us the time to convince another neighbor to entrust his building to us. So in 2007 yet another neighboring building, Siegelsdorfer Str. 25, was acquired and there a black finishing facility was built that seeks its kind in Europe.
To fullfill the rising Requirements of our customer and to increase our capacity, we renew our Phosphating Line in 2011.
To come up to the environmental thought, we get the certificatiion of the eco management refering to DIN14001 in 2011. In 2012 we start to establish the Energiemanagement refering to DIN ISO 50001.
In May 2012 we expand our business activities wotj Anodizing of Alumium. This were the cause to change our Name in "Kampka – Oberflächentechnik" (Surfacetechnic).
Today we work at a site of 2,450 sq.m. with the most modern equipment and will continue, as shown above, in such a way as to be able to offer up-to-date services to our customers
By applying the principles stated below we wish to achieve the greatest possible degree of satisfaction in our customers. We work on this all the time.